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3rd June 2024

The A-Z of B2B Marketing Acronyms & Phrases

Marketing is full of very useful, but occasionally confusing, jargon, acronyms and abbreviations.

Can’t remember the difference between a SQL and a SAL? Or whether demand generation is inbound or outbound?

Instead of tying your brain in a knot trying to remember if PPC is the model or the metric, bookmark our handy glossary - 60+ of the most useful B2B marketing terms to know in 2024. 

1. ABM or Account Based Marketing 

ABM or account-based marketing is an approach whereby marketers make a Target Account List (TAL) of businesses they'd like to sell to. With ABM you then directly target those businesses to convert them into customers. By focusing on this select list, you can tailor your content and messaging to ensure they are as relevant as possible, which makes the targets more likely to convert

2. ABM Lead Generation 

ABM lead generation, or account-based marketing lead generation, is a method of generating leads that focus on targeting certain accounts as individuals. In ABM lead generation, your marketing and sales department will work together to make a Target Account List (TAL) of desirable future customers. For example, your TAL could be based on business size, specific job titles, or how well they suit your product or services. You'll then use ABM lead generation services to target those particular accounts. 

ABM Lead Generation definition

3. AI Marketing

AI marketing refers to any artificial intelligence which is used to support your marketing strategy. AI marketing examples include integrating AI into your customer relationship management system (CMS) or using AI tools to support your content marketing strategy, such as helping you to write content or provide ideas.

4. BANT – Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline 

BANT – Budget, Authority, Need and Timeline – is a measure used by marketers to gauge how ready to buy a lead is. By assessing a lead's budget for a product, authority to buy the product, need to buy the product and when they're likely to buy the product, you can work out the best time for the sales team to contact them. 

5. B2B – Business-to-Business 

B2B is short for business-to-business, and it refers to business transactions and communications that are aimed at other businesses rather than consumers (B2C). For example, IT Corporate is a B2B business-to-business content library resource for IT professionals and decision-makers; while PCMag is a consumer magazine, sold to and read by enthusiasts. 

6. B2B Content Marketing 

B2B content marketing is the art of using content – such as eBooks, videos and blogs – to generate leads and nurture them into customers. In B2B, it's important that the content is useful and relevant to your potential leads' business needs.

B2B content marketing works for lead generation because these days B2B buyers tend to do their own research into products and services. By feeding these buyers with the types of content they're searching for, you can boost their awareness of your brand, support their challenges and meet their needs. 

7. B2B Content Syndication 

B2B content syndication is a method of lead generation that uses 3rd party content libraries to attract new leads.

Content syndication for B2B works like this: you find a lead generation agency that owns its own content libraries for B2B content syndication. You send them your most valuable content – eBooks, whitepapers, case studies, research. They publish it gated (i.e. behind a content download form) on their content libraries – which should be relevant to the sector you're targeting. Every time a reader on their content library downloads your content, they give their details over and consent to hear you, thus becoming a lead. 

B2B Content Syndication definition

8. B2B Lead Generation 

B2B lead generation is the art of finding new prospects to sell to in the B2B sector. It's the process of filling up your marketing funnel to ensure you continue to have healthy sales in the future.

When it's done right, B2B lead generation will help you both find suitable new leads for your business, and start nurturing them into future customers. B2B lead generation takes many forms, but the most desirable outcome is to have a list of named individuals and their business contact details. Then you can target them with an email marketing campaign and track their behaviors to assess when they're ready to be contacted by your sales team. 

9. B2B Lead Scoring 

B2B lead scoring is the process of scoring your leads numerically based on their behavior and the buying signals they've exhibited. The resulting figure gives you a good indication of how likely each lead is to buy in the near future. It's extremely useful for prioritizing your leads, so you know which ones are ready to be passed to the sales team, and which need further nurturing. 

10. Buying Committee 

The buying committee is the group of people within an organization who contribute towards a B2B purchasing decision. This includes not only the C-suite team making the final decision, but other stakeholders in the business who might have a say. For example this might include legal teams and the on-the-ground members of staff who will be using the product. Modern buying committees are large, with between 14-25 people typically involved. Each member of the buying committee will be doing independent research into their options before the purchase, which means they're all worth targeting as leads within your technology lead generation strategy.

11. Buyer's Journey 

The buyer's journey is the process a B2B decision-maker follows in making a purchase, from initial lead stage to final sale, and beyond.

If you follow the buyer's journey, you can assess your prospects' suitability as sales-qualified lead, and also check which touch points have been most effective for your marketing strategy going forward.

A typical buyer's journey might start with someone researching for a type of solution; reading a related eBook from you; consenting to hear from you and being added to your mailing list.

Prospects might then go on to read your newsletter, follow you on social media while reading other related content online from your competitors, before eventually choosing you as their supplier (woo!).

12. Bottom of Funnel (BOFU) 

Bottom of funnel (BOFU) refers to the lower part of the marketing funnel; the purchase and retention stages, where your most relevant, qualified leads end up.

Bottom-of-funnel leads have usually made several connections with your brand and are showing strong buying signals. This is usually when marketing teams pass leads over to their sales team for contact.

BOFU marketing usually involves lead nurturing techniques such as retargeting, free trials, email lead nurturing and personalized offers. 

BOFU stands for "Bottom of Funnel"

13. Content Syndication (CoSy) 

Content syndication (CoSy) is a marketing method where brands send their content to 3rd parties to be distributed to a wider audience via content libraries. Content syndication is used for lead generation. Your content is hosted on external and reputable content libraries. Your content is then syndicated to new audiences of professionals and decision makers in your relevant sector.

With B2B content syndication, your content is gated so that every reader who downloads it gives their business contact details, and then becomes a lead for the brand. The content usually takes the form of eBooks, whitepapers, case studies and research reports – genuinely useful, desirable content that the audience will consider worth divulging their contact details for. Content syndication is an effective strategy for both lead generation and demand generation. 

14. Content Syndication Platforms 

Content syndication platforms are 3rd party resource hubs that marketers can use for lead generation purposes.

To give you an example, Headley Media has 265 content syndication platforms across 60 countries, translated into 32 languages. Our content syndication websites sit under six technology-specific brands; IT Corporate, Cybersecurity Corporate, FinTech Corporate, HRTech Corporate, MarTech Corporate and Electronic Pro. At Headley Media, we upload our clients' technology content to our sites to capture leads. These content syndication platforms work because they have a huge readership of professionals in the sectors they target, who trust them as useful sources of research for their business and find them easy to use. 

15. Content Syndication Lead Generation 

Content syndication lead generation is the art of using valuable content to attract new leads via a 3rd party's content libraries. The best 3rd party content syndication lead generation suppliers own their own content libraries with large, relevant audiences of decision-makers who are looking for content related to their industry, or to a purchase they're thinking of making.

In the content syndication lead generation process, the brand will send their valuable content – such as whitepapers, eBooks, research reports and case studies – to be uploaded to these content hubs for these relevant audiences to download via a gated form.

Once the reader has put their contact information into the form, and ticked a box consenting to hear from the brand, the supplier will give that information back to the brand as a lead. 

16. Cost-Per-Click (CPC) 

Cost-per-click (CPC) is often thought of as another term for pay-per-click (PPC), but there's an important difference.

Pay-per-click is the model of advertising used, and cost-per-click is the metric used for measuring it. It represents the amount you pay every time your ad is clicked on. This cost varies because most PPC platforms use auction-style bidding based on how many advertisers are using that space. You can measure the efficiency of your PPC campaign by tracking the CPC: the more clicks you get, the lower the CPC will be and therefore the more successful your campaign. 

17. Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) 

Cost-per-lead (CPL) is a pricing model for B2B lead generation services where clients pay a pre-agreed and set price for each lead generated.

By buying leads on a cost-per-lead basis, brands can guarantee that they'll get a certain number of leads for the money they pay. It's one of the benefits of lead generation over inbound marketing methods: it's a transactional process. All Headley Media campaigns are delivered using CPL, as explained here

The CPL acronym means "Cost Per Lead"

18. Demand Generation 

Demand generation is an inbound marketing strategy, relying heavily on content marketing and strong brand awareness to attract new leads to a brand organically. Demand gen is not the same as lead generation, which is an outbound marketing strategy where the brand buys leads to nurture them. With demand generation, the aim is to make leads come to you.

Demand generation strategies use lots of content, a lot of which is ungated, to capture interest from potential leads. Blogging, PR, thought leadership, social media posting and speaking at events are all powerful demand generation strategies. 

The definition of demand generation in B2B

19. Demand Generation Agency 

A demand generation agency is a 3rd party business that can help brands develop and execute demand generation strategies. A demand gen agency can help you with a variety of tactics, including blogging, social media, programmatic display advertising and content syndication for demand generation. Any good demand generation agency team will be specialists in driving brand presence and awareness, for sustainable growth and customer retention. 

20. Demand Marketing 

Demand marketing is similar to demand generation. It's a discipline of organic marketing, with the aim of attracting inbound leads to come to you, rather than you chasing outbound leads. Demand marketing heavily uses content to position the brand as a thought leader, to establish authority and gain trust, and that works because modern buyers do so much of their own research into solutions for their business. In demand marketing, leads often enter the marketing funnel with high intent to purchase. 

21. Display Advertising 

Display advertising is digital advertising that uses imagery and text to promote a brand, often as a banner ad, and almost always clickable to take interested viewers to a URL. There are any number of formats for display advertising, from classic static banner ads to animated or video ads.

Display advertising is often deployed across multiple 3rd party websites at once, with large retail media networks ensuring ads are seen by relevant audiences. Display advertising works really well alongside content marketing and content syndication. Headley Media offers display advertising that gives a 'surround sound' effect for potential leads. 

22. Double Touch Campaign 

Within content syndication lead generation, a Double Touch campaign is when each reader is required to see two pieces of your content before they become a lead (unlike a Single Touch campaign, when they become a lead after downloading only one piece of content). This means each lead is doubly aware of your brand and therefore a warmer lead. 

23. Field Marketing 

Field marketing is typified by face-to-face, direct communication between a brand and a potential lead, 'in the field' – that is, at events, trade shows, and retail locations. Classic field marketing usually involves direct selling promotions, sampling, merchandising and product giveaways. In B2B, field marketing uses product demos and literature to promote a product face-to-face. 

24. Email Lead Nurturing 

Email lead nurturing is one of the most effective ways of moving leads through the marketing funnel. Once you have a lead's email address, you can start to send them further relevant content that will hopefully capture their interest and show your potential as a supplier further down the line. Email is how most businesspeople prefer to be contacted, and great email marketers use unique content and personalized messaging to make their email lead nurturing stand out from the competition. 

25. Gated Content 

Gated content refers to brands' content – such as eBooks, whitepapers, research reports and case studies – that is gated, i.e. can only be downloaded or read once the reader has filled out a form. This allows brands to capture leads, with the extra benefit that these leads were clearly interested in the content they were downloading, which makes them a warmer lead. Readers know how valuable their contact details are, and won't give them away easily, so gated content works best when the content is especially useful or unique. 

26. Growth Marketing 

Growth marketing is when you look at all of your marketing efforts holistically to create a full-funnel, multi-tactic strategy specifically to grow your business.

B2B growth marketing concentrates on raising brand awareness, attracting leads and nurturing potential buyers to purchase, but also on growing revenue, retaining existing customers, and getting word-of-mouth referrals – all of which help create sustainable growth. 

27. Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) 

An ideal customer profile (ICP) is a marketing tool that helps you decide which businesses to target in your lead generation and account-based marketing. Based on type of business, business size, revenue, geographic location, and other demographics, an ICP can be as detailed as you like to help you find your ideal customers and create lookalike audiences.

ICP stands for "Ideal Customer Profile"

28. Inbound Lead Generation 

Inbound lead generation is where leads are attracted to your business first and reach out to you, rather than you reaching out to them. It's the opposite of outbound lead generation, which is often short-term, transactional and usually results in high-volume but colder leads.

In inbound lead generation, brands use demand marketing strategies to position their brand as a thought leader and allow buyers doing their own research to find them organically. So it's slower, but the leads are warmer. 

29. Install Based Targeting

Install based data and install based marketing are all about finding out what software your customers and potential customers are using.

You can use that data to improve your lead generation and/or your messaging. It involves looking closely at your competitors to find out which clients they've won, and how – what clients like about their product, what they don't like, and any gaps that you can fill. Install based marketers check their competitors' websites and social media for customer testimonials, reviews, and even likes to gauge who their customers are and what they're getting from that competitor. They also use audience intelligence strategies to ask leads about their software directly. 

30. Intent Data 

Intent data is the digital breadcrumbs left by leads as they browse the internet for solutions to their business needs. It shows brands what their leads have been looking at online, allowing the brand to gauge how close the lead is to a purchase.

Intent data targeting can encompass the brand's own data from their website and social media, data from their lead generation supplier (at Headley, for example, we track which pieces of content each reader downloads to give our clients an idea of what they're looking for), and privacy law-compliant data from 3rd party specialists such as Bombora

31. Intent Signals 

Intent signals are the signs indicating how close your lead is to a purchase. They can be an obvious, direct action, such as a request for a demo, or they can be a lot more subtle – viewing a certain page on your website, for example. They encompass 1st party intent data and 3rd party intent data. By harvesting this data, you can pick up lots more intent signals which together give you a better picture of where your lead is in the marketing funnel. 

32. Lead Nurturing 

Lead nurturing is the process of guiding your leads through the marketing funnel, from when they first become a lead to – hopefully – final purchase. To nurture leads, it's necessary to keep feeding them with relevant content from your brand. Email lead nurturing is one of the most effective tools, as well as enticing leads to follow you on social media, and using content syndication and display advertising to ensure they continue to be aware of your brand as they get closer to a purchase. Lead nurturing can be measured through lead scoring, which will give you a numerical value for how effective your nurturing campaign has been. 

33. Lead Validation 

Lead generation has lots of room for error. Incorrect or out-of-date contact information, changed job roles and even leads bought from dubious sources can all leave you with useless leads, which is very frustrating when you've paid good money for them. That's why lead validation is important. A good lead generation agency will validate each lead, which means being able to account for their entire reader journey, and checking the contact information and other data against external sources – for example, LinkedIn and national and regional business databases. 

34. Local Language Lead Generation 

Local language lead generation is when you optimize your lead generation for different countries you're targeting. By putting your lead generation into the native language of those countries, and ensuring translations are entirely correct and in line with local culture and values, you stand a better chance of impressing prospects. Even if the country you're targeting speaks the same language as yours – US to UK, for example – there are lots of nuances in language that mean badly-localized content fails to resonate with the audience. 

35. Localized Marketing 

Localized marketing is the art of ensuring your messaging and communications are optimized for any foreign market you're targeting. It's important because bad translations and ignorance of cultural differences are likely to put off otherwise interested leads. Localized marketing encompasses not just your content, but ensuring the product itself seems like it was made for that country, ensuring you have local phone numbers and native speakers to talk to customers, and ensuring you have a physical presence at relevant local trade shows and events.  

MQL stands for "Marketing Qualified Lead"

36. Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) 

A marketing qualified lead (MQL) is a lead that has shown enough interest in your brand, or in products/services that your brand supplies, that you deem them more likely to become a customer than other leads. These are middle-of-funnel leads, that have often been nurtured by you or your lead generation agency with relevant content and personalized messaging. At this point the content and messaging might become more related to your own products and services, as you show them how beneficial they might find working with you. 

37. Middle of Funnel (MOFU) 

Middle of funnel (MOFU) refers to the part of the marketing funnel where leads go through the interest and consideration phases, and start to become more interested in your brand, products and services. Here you start to nurture leads towards an eventual purchase. You can do this by finding out more about each lead, whether that's via audience intelligence strategies or intent data, and ensure they are seeing relevant content that presents your brand as a solution. 

38. Nurture Track Campaign 

A nurture track campaign is lead generation that has the lead nurturing side built in. At Headley Media, a nurture track campaign means each lead sees at least two pieces of your content before we deliver them back to you as a lead, and have consented to hear from you, so you know they're aware of your brand and expecting you to get in touch. Your lead generation campaign therefore delivers marketing qualified leads (MQLs) as standard. 

39. One Touch Lead Generation 

One touch lead generation, also known as single touch lead generation, is the simplest and fastest form of content syndication lead generation. It means each lead has downloaded one piece of your content from your lead generation agency's content library before they're delivered back to you as a lead. It's great for high-volume, top-of-funnel lead generation. 

40. Outbound Lead Generation 

Outbound lead generation is any form of lead generation where you are reaching out to find prospects, as opposed to inbound marketing, where leads come to you. Because modern buyers wield more purchasing power and are more likely to do their own research, inbound lead generation is generally more popular and successful – but outbound lead generation still has a major part to play, as a good outbound lead generation agency can help you fill your marketing funnel with high-volume leads in a much shorter timeframe. 

41. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) 

Pay-per-click (PPC) refers to a pricing model of digital advertising and other forms of outbound marketing where the advertiser is charged for every time a consumer clicks the ad. It's a popular form of marketing because it is easily measurable, and also easy to budget – pay-per-click models usually allow you to set a threshold for maximum spend, and as you only pay when the ad has been clicked, you know how many viewers of the ad have shown an interest. Pay-per-click advertising is common across search engines, social media platforms and other digital advertising platforms. 

42. Persona Based Marketing (PBM)

As Delve AI states, "persona based marketing, PBM for short, is a technique wherein you center all your marketing efforts around your buyer personas."

Buyer personas are based on categorizing your target audiences into different groups, based on their demographics, experience, interests, motivations and so on.

With PBM, your whole strategy is aligned to the personas you've identified within your target audience and typically.

43. Pre-Qualified Leads 

Pre-qualified leads are leads that have already met some criteria to show they're a good fit for your product or service when they're delivered to you by your lead generation agency. It might be that they fit your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), or they've been determined to have the budget and/or need for your product. By specifying pre-qualified leads, you can ensure your marketing funnel gets filled with higher-quality leads that are more likely to convert, more quickly. 

44. Profiling Question 

In lead generation, a profiling question is any question used to find out more about a lead. They're typically used in audience intelligence strategies to find out more about your lead directly from the source – included on a content download form along with the lead's name, business name and contact details. Examples of profiling questions include “What is your business size?” and “What software are you currently using for [this function]?” 

45. Programmatic Display Advertising 

Programmatic display advertising is the process of placing banner ads online, strategically and usually automatically, based on where ad space is available. A programmatic ads platform might cover hundreds of websites. Programmatic display advertising often uses cookies to ensure your ads are seen by relevant leads. For example, after reading your content on a lead generation agency's platform, your lead might then see an advert from you when they're browsing a different website. 

46. Qualifying Question 

A qualifying question is a question a marketer or more likely a salesperson might ask of a lead to determine how ready they are to buy. Asking these questions is often the most straightforward method of gauging their interest in your product. If answered favourably, these questions might be how you move the lead on to MQL or SQL status. Examples include “what happens if you don't solve your problem?” and “Do you have the budget for the solution?” Lots more great examples here from HubSpot

47. Reader Journey 

In lead generation, the reader journey is the digital journey each prospect goes on in the process of becoming a lead. As an example, a lead from Headley Media might have landed on our content library from Google, downloaded a piece of your content, filled out the content download form, and consented to become a lead. It's important because it gives you vital information about where each lead has come from that allows you to personalize your content and messaging to them. It's also useful for checking how trustworthy a lead generation agency is – if they can't show you the complete reader journey, they can't prove the lead has been generated by them rather than being bought in from an unknown source. 

48. Return on Investment (ROI) 

Return on investment (ROI) is simply a measure of profitability. It's calculated by comparing the cost of an investment to how much income it generates. Knowing the ROI of an advert or an outsourced marketing strategy allows you to see how efficient that strategy is and how much value-for-money you're getting. 

49. RevOps 

RevOps is the Revenue Operations model, used by businesses to promote better internal communications and shared goals between the marketing, sales and customer success teams. It's found to have a big impact on businesses' bottom line and growth, because these three teams pulling together gives you deeper insight into who your customers are, better internal feedback between the teams, and better customer service. 

50. SaaS Lead Generation 

SaaS lead generation is any lead generation strategy that's particularly well suited to Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses. Because these businesses tend to be subscription-based, which means they need to build really strong, long-term relationships with customers, B2B SaaS lead generation typically involves long-term nurturing strategies and content marketing in the upper parts of the funnel, and free trials in the lower parts of the funnel. 

51. SaaS Demand Generation 

Software as a Service or SaaS demand generation is all about driving customer demand and generating inbound leads for your cloud-based, subscription-based product. SaaS demand generation often uses content marketing and thought leadership to capture potential leads who are researching solutions. SaaS businesses also often use their own product in demand generation – parts of their software can be made available for free, which is a great hook for leads. 

52. Sales-Accepted Lead (SAL) 

A sales-accepted lead (SAL) is quite simply a lead that the marketing team has passed on to the sales team, and the sales team has accepted it for further nurturing or follow-up. This is not necessarily the same as a sales-qualified lead (SQL), which is a bottom-of-funnel lead that is just about ready to convert. The SAL stage comes after the MQL stage and before the SQL stage. 

53. Sales-Qualified Lead (SQL) 

A sales-qualified lead (SQL) is a lead that is likely to convert to a customer soon, having shown clear intent to buy – such as requesting a demo or a quote. These leads come at the bottom of the funnel, in the decision stage. At this point they are most likely to respond well to a call from your sales team. 

SQL stands for "Sales Qualified Lead"

54. Single Touch Campaign 

In lead generation, a single touch campaign is when a prospect engages once with your brand before becoming a lead. If it's a content syndication lead generation campaign, this means they'll download one piece of your content from your lead generation agency's content libraries. Also known as one-touch lead generation, a single touch lead campaign is great for filling the top of your marketing funnel with high-volume leads for you to nurture. 

55. SoftBANT 

SoftBANT is a type of lead generation that concentrates on one or two of the four BANT criteria – Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeframe. In a SoftBANT lead generation campaign, your lead generation agency will assess each lead on these criteria to help you determine which leads are the best fit for your business, and which ones are indicating the strongest buying signals. You can categorize these leads based on their challenges, and prioritize follow-up based on timeframe. 

56. Target Account List (TAL) 

A target account list (TAL) is used in account-based marketing (ABM) to identify the strongest prospects for your business. It's a list of businesses that you'd most like to work with, either because they'd make particularly lucrative clients, or they're suited to you in some other way, such as geographically. As well as the accounts you'd like to work with, it should include all the individual buyers within that account that you need to reach. Once you've made your TAL, you can use ABM strategies to personalize your messaging and content to make sure your communications with them resonate. A good lead generation agency can help you build your TAL, using lookalike audiences to find suitable potential clients. 

TAL stands for "Target Account List"

57. Top of Funnel (TOFU) 

Top of funnel (TOFU) refers to the upper parts of the marketing funnel – the awareness stage of the buyer's journey. This is the part of the marketing funnel that contains the most leads, many of whom will eventually drop out because they're not a good fit for your business or they simply don't need your product or service. Top of funnel marketing strategies focus on brand awareness and high-volume lead generation. Content marketing, display advertising, website SEO and content syndication are all good TOFU strategies. 

58. Ungated Content 

Ungated content is any content from a brand that isn't protected by some kind of lead capture form. Blogs, for example, are usually ungated. Ungated content is fantastic for demand generation, because more people will see it, although you won't necessarily know who these people are, so they don't become leads. It's usually useful without being unique or valuable enough to gate – but on the other hand, leaving a valuable eBook ungated can be a great strategy for creating trust in your brand. 

59. 1st Party Data 

In lead generation, 1st party data refers to lead data collected by you or by your lead generation agency on your behalf. This includes intent data from your website, your social media channels, emails, and your agency's content syndication platforms. For example, Headley Media generates 1st party data via our portfolio of content library websites. You can use this data to assess your leads' buying signals, and/or perform lead scoring, giving you a numerical value of where each lead is in the marketing funnel. 

60. 3rd Party Data 

In lead generation, 3rd party data is lead data collected from an external source, often generated by marketing cookies or supplied by less scrupulous lead generation agencies. This can be quite tricky privacy-wise, but there are trustworthy sources of 3rd party data, such as Bombora. 3rd party data can tell you if leads have viewed your ads on other websites, if they've read reviews and case studies related to your products, or if they've viewed your competitors' websites. 

61. 3rd Party Lead Generation 

3rd party lead generation is any outsourced outbound marketing strategy to attract new leads. A 3rd party lead generation supplier will be able to use their own channels to find leads for their clients, but when choosing a supplier, you have to be careful. Lots of lead generation suppliers don't have their own lead generation platforms so buy in leads from mysterious other sources. Or they don't validate each lead to make sure all details are accurate. Use our checklist to make sure you're asking any potential 3rd party lead generation supplier the right questions. 

62. 1st Party Intent Data 

1st party intent data is all the 'digital breadcrumbs' left by your leads on your own website, your social media channels, and your lead generation agency's platforms. It's data that shows buying signals from the lead, such as browsing a page of your website, liking your social media post, opening your email or downloading your syndicated content. You can use this information to build a picture of your lead's readiness to buy. 

63. 3rd Party Intent Data 

3rd party intent data is the 'digital breadcrumbs' left by your leads on external sites, across the internet. This can be collected by marketing cookies, by the 'bidstream' (beware data from the bidstream, it's not privacy-safe), or by trusted 3rd party intent data providers like Bombora. 3rd party intent data can tell you when your leads have viewed your ads across the web, if they've looked at competitors' websites, and if they've read reviews of your product.  
